For over 30 years Contexture has been committed to helping corporate and non-profit clients of all sizes tell their stories. We’re all about results-oriented communication – we tell your story in the context best received by your target audience. We don’t believe in a “cookie-cutter” approach, and we’re no strangers to research. We become intimately familiar with your goals and values so that we can define and deliver exactly the right message using the most effective medium.
Whether it’s strategy, video, print, web, marketing, or new media, our goal is always the same: make your success the measurement of our own success.
Not Just Creative. Strategic.
The core communication value of Contexture is not in what media we operate, it’s in our understanding of marketing, fundraising and connecting stories to the heart. We communicate intangible concepts and realities better than anyone else. The stories are incredible, and the audience never forgets.
Your Story. Your Vision. Your Passion. Our Goal.
We’re passionate about seeing our clients succeed, and that drives us to consistent, unrivaled excellence. Our reputation among our clients is much more than a vendor; they see us as a valued partner. We look well beyond the short term needs, and help achieve a long-term strategy. That type of vision has earned us long-term relationships with our clients (many of whom we’ve served for over a decade) resulting in unprecedented success for their organizations.